Ascendere Tio at a UCG tabling event


Tuition is the same amount every month and is based on a 42-week year to allow for holidays (I teach most Monday holidays), teacher training, and emergencies. Any lessons you receive more than 42 in a year are freebies.

Tuition reflects enrollment in an on-going program and remains the same whether you attend all possible classes/lessons/activities or only some. No credits or refunds are given for missed lessons or activities.

Payment holds your time slot and covers instruction, costs incurred by the studio, and SAU membership.


30 min $140/month
45 min $180/month
60 min $220/month



Tuition is due the first week of the month--no later than the 7th. I prefer Venmo but accept cash or check. If your payment is late or your check bounces, you will be charged a $25 fee.

Buying an Instrument

Instruction on the instrument will commence only when a suitable guitar is obtained. I will not teach on toys, GSO's (guitar-shaped objects), steel-string, or electric instruments. Wait to buy until we go over the guitar-buying resource guide I provide at the first lesson. If you buy locally, try to purchase contingent on teacher approval with full refund guaranteed (if teacher says the guitar is not suitable).

  • Students arriving late to individual or group instruction will be given the remainder of their allotted lesson time.
  • Lesson times, once assigned, are generally honored from year to year. This allows for families to plan ahead and prioritize their schedules. Understandably, adjustments need to be made as lesson lengths expand or students change schools. If a change needs to be made, parents can attempt to switch lesson times with another family. Once agreed upon, I need to be notified with both families copied in the text or email.
  • I generally don't do make-ups for student absences. If you cannot make it to your lesson, you can attempt a trade with another student in the studio. Once arranged, send me a text or email with the other family copied on it. If I must miss the lesson, I will schedule a makeup lesson at a mutually convenient time.
  • If you or your child feel ill, or you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for Covid 19, you may request a Zoom lesson. Please text me with this request.
Parental Involvement
Parents in the Suzuki Studio are expected to do the following:
  • Check the website regularly and respond to emails and texts promptly to stay informed of studio events.
  • Take preliminary lessons to prepare to function as the home teacher.
  • Establish an example of practice. Provide a supportive atmosphere for practice in the home. Be involved in Every practice session until a student is old enough to drive themselves to lessons--I will specifiy to what extent on an individualized basis.
  • Turn on the repertoire recordings daily--as well as other quality music.
  • Review Every Day! Students are expected to review all their pieces throughout the week.
  • Fill out your practice sheet. Track your review and fill in both practice and listening times. You should be practicing 1-1/2 the time of your lesson.
  • Be present at all private and group lessons. This means being attentive. Phone calls/texting/emailing during lessons distracts from the lessons. Taking notes or helpful videos for home practice is encouraged. Participate in SAU guitar graduation, Federation, studio performances and recitals.
  • Not interrupt my teaching or talk to your child during the lesson unless I make room for a conversation. Let your child learn how to take responsibility for their own growth.
  • Students and parents are asked to remain in the studio space and not venture into other areas of my home. Be respectful of the studio space and pick up after yourselves.
  • Students and parents are encouraged to use the bathroom before coming to lesson.
  • Please arrive 5 minutes early, quietly enter the studio and unpack. Check your nails while you wait. Trim the left hand and shape the right hand. Either wash your hands in the bathroom or use hand sanitizer.